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Life Extension, супер омега-3, 120 мягких таблеток, покрытых кишечнорастворимой оболочкой

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БрендLife Extension
UPC Код737870198413
Количество в упаковке120 шт.
Вес0.32 кг
  • Обзор
  • Характеристики
Сведения о добавке
Размер порции: 2 мягкие желатиновые капсулы в кишечнорастворимой оболочке
Количество порций в упаковке: 60
Состав порции% от суточной нормы
Калорий из жиров25
Всего жиров2,5 г4%†
Холестерин<, 5 мг2%†
Концентрат жира рыбы, выловленной в природной среде, Pure+™
ЭПК (эйкозапентаеновая кислота)
ДГК (докозагексаеновая кислота)
Типичная ДПК (докозапентаеновая кислота)

2000 мг

700 мг
500 мг
50 мг



Экстракт оливы Polyphen-Oil™ (плоды и листья) [содержит 19,5 мг полифенолов, 5,2 мг гидрокситирозола/тирозола, 4,4 мг вербаскозида/олеуропеина]300 мг**
Экстракт лигнина семян кунжута10 мг**
**Суточная норма не установлена.
†Проценты от суточной нормы основаны на рационе в 2000 калорий.
  • EPA/DHA Fish Oil
  • Sesame Lignans & Olive Extract
  • IFOS - 5-Star Rating
  • Gluten Free
  • Non GMO LE Certified
  • Enteric Coated for Sensitive Stomachs
  • Dietary Supplement

EPA and DHA fatty acids from fish oil support cardiovascular health, brain health, and much more. Inspired by the Mediterranean diet, our Super Omega-3 delivers the EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids your body needs, plus potent olive polyphenols and sesame lignans for additional cardiovascular, cognitive, and whole-body health benefits.

Take care of your heart and cognitive health with optimal doses of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids.

Super Omega-3 EPA/DHA Fish Oil Benefits

  • Supports both cardiovascular and cognitive health
  • Helps maintain already-healthy LDL & HDL cholesterol & triglyceride levels
  • Contains heart-healthy
  • Mediterranean olive & sesame extracts
  • IFOS™-certified and sustainably-sourced anchovy from the South Pacific coast of Chile

What is olive extract?

This olive extract is packed with heart-healthy polyphenols, providing the polyphenol equivalent of just over 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.

Why add sesame lignans?

We've added sesame lignans to our Super Omega-3 formulas to enhance the health benefits of fish oil and inhibit peroxidation.

Super Omega-3 EPA/DHA is our best-selling omega-3 fish oil supplement. It delivers an optimal dose of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids. Inspired by the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet, Super Omega-3 also contains potent olive polyphenols and sesame lignans for additional health benefits.

The Mediterranean diet, in which extra virgin olive oil and seafood are staples, is associated with heart health and an increased life span. This healthy diet inspired us to combine a pure, highly concentrated fish oil with sesame lignans and unique polyphenols from olive extract.

Other benefits of fish oil omega-3s

Omega-3 fatty acids support healthy heart and blood vessel function, promote blood flow, help maintain already-healthy blood pressure, and help inhibit inflammatory factors to support whole body health.

These essential fats also help maintain already-healthy LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Omega-3 supplementation has been shown to encourage healthy cognitive function, support mood health, and promote longevity.

IFOS™ 5-star-rated formula

We make Super Omega-3 using a fish oil concentrate made from South Pacific anchovy. Caught off the coast of Chile in a marine mammal-friendly fishery, this fish oil is processed within hours of harvest for exceptional freshness. The fish oil in our Super Omega-3 formula has earned the highest, 5-star rating from IFOS™, an independent organization that sets the standard for fish oil purity, potency and freshness.

Polyphen-Oil™ olive extract (fruit and leaf)

All of our Super Omega-3 formulas contain Polyphen-Oil™ olive extract. It’s concentrated and standardized to provide the benefits of olives’ health-promoting polyphenols. Each serving (2 softgels) provides a similar olive polyphenol level as over 4 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil.

These polyphenols favorably influence metabolism and oxidative stress while also promoting a healthy inflammatory response.

Sesame lignans and natural lemon flavor

We've added sesame lignans to our Super Omega-3 formula to enhance the health benefits of fish oil. We've even added a natural lemon flavor to our formulation to avoid the fishy aftertaste some people experience when taking omega-3 supplements.

БрендLife Extension
UPC Код737870198413
Количество в упаковке120 шт.
Вес0.32 кг
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